A review by amym84
Burn the Night by Jocelynn Drake


Burn the Night is the last in the Dark Days series. Things with Aurora come to a head and Mira still has to deal with the Daylight Coalition and her father Nick.

Jocelynn Drake took an interesting turn and gave a few chapters from the point of view of Nyx, Cynnia's sister. Nyx is a character we only briefly saw when Aurora was freed from her capitvity. Nyx has been sent on a mission to get Rowe, Aurora's former consort and big enemy of Mira's, in order to turn him to Cynnia's side. Cynnia imagines a world where the naturi can live in peace with the other supernatural races. Something that is needed due to the fact that the naturi are slowly dwindling in numbers and not being able to reproduce as well as before.

On Mira's side of things it's been quiet for a few months and so she obviously suspects something is coming. No sooner does she think this than the lycans are being shot at by humans while they are out on their monthly run through the woods. They find that the humans are part of the Dyalight Coalition and they are finally bringing the fight to the superanturals.

I felt like Burn the Night was so full of loose ends to tie up that it seemed a bit rushed. To me the book just seemed like it wasn't quite the spot where Jocelynn Drake wanted to end the series, maybe she wanted to go a couple books more, but it was where the publishing people said to end or something.

The introduction of Nyx was really good, and I would have liked to have seen more of her and her POV. I would like if Jocelynn Drake decided to pick up the story after the events of the series, but the way things end, I just don't know where she would go from there. Regardless, I liked Nyx's voice and would have liked more.

I appreciate that everything was tied up by the end even though it felt rushed. The end itself was very promising and yes Mira and Danaus are together and going strong in this book and for the forseeable future as well.

I would like to read more in this world if Jocelynn Drake chose to write a couple novellas.