A review by etinney
Divergent by Veronica Roth


Holy crap. Oh hot damn.

Man that was good.

For anyone who has ever seen my bookshelves, you know that I love dystopia (well reading about it. I'm not a dictator... there is actually a funny story about that. FOCUS ERIN)

This was one of those books that you don't realize is addicting until you look down and see that you finished half of the book in two hours. The ideas of factions is that wonderfully unique and necessary combination of originality and almost understandable. It is horrifying yet you can't keep your eyes off of it. Beatrice is a great protagonist whose contradicting traits reveal human nature and it's inability to be put into categories. Each of the factions reveal the perfection that society cannot achieve. Four (Tobias) is sexy and troubled. The enemies are not bad guys rubbing their hands together going MUHAHAHA. There were light, funny parts to offset the pain. Also, the characters developed as people, making the plot more believable.
The only thing that bothered me a little was how quickly Tris and Tobias's relationship went. I know you went through a lot but confessing your love for her after a few weeks is a little soon.

4.75 stars

Cover: I love the Dauntless symbol and the skyline is a nice subtle touch.