A review by ariizolas
Opium and Absinthe by Lydia Kang


Enjoyed this one quite a bit, but I have to knock it two stars for 1) unresolved, murky plot lines, even by the end of the book, and 2) a needlessly detailed scene of sexual assault towards the climax, and the eventual redeeming of the rapist. I don't quite understand how Tom's being a rapist fits in with his character or the overall arc of the book; it just seemed unnecessary, since he's redeemed by a couple of lines at the end of the book anyway and it seemed to have no lasting impact on the plotline beyond shock value.

Tillie as a protagonist can also be slightly irritating, although I personally enjoyed her for the most part. To me, she's the headstrong, reckless Victorian woman protagonist with a slight twist: her opium addiction. Still, not every mystery in this book is fully explained and the plot tends to start and stop abruptly, only to wander off into tangents later. This book could have been a hundred pages shorter and a hundred pages longer at the same time. Great concept, poorer execution.