A review by robotswithpersonality
All about Saul Leiter by Motoyuki Shibata, Saul Leiter

It appears my experience with photography collections is similar to that of poetry collections: I'm happy to spend time finding the few that stand out to me. 
As has been remarked upon by much more qualified critics, I love Leiter's moments of strong colour, the pure history of witnessing snippets of daily life from the 1950s, his fondness for umbrellas. 
I'm less enamoured with his often blurred, off-centre, obscured style - I don't have the formal art training to appreciate it by attributing it to the artistic movements that the essays in the back of the book do. 
I was surprised by how much I loved the vibrant creativity seen in the mixed media showcased sparingly near the end of the collection: printings of black and white photos of female nudes from the 50s, subsequently liberally decorated in bright paint in the 90s. What a glorious way to summarize the generation-spanning work of a photographer and painter! 🎨📷