A review by saltycorpse
Little Star by John Ajvide Lindqvist


I came out of this novel not really knowing what the fuck the writer was trying to say. There's some critiques of fame and the exploitation of young girls who become stars, but there's also this dark fairy-tale element.

The novel opens with a man foraging for mushrooms in the woods, when he comes upon a plastic bag with a nearly-dead baby in it. He manages to revive her, and takes her home where, until she's about 12, she's under lock and key, lied to about the world, and basically fucked up by weirdly abusive "parents". Until she manages, maybe inadvertently, to escape.

Eventually, she becomes well-known for her singing voice and starts what is kind of...a cult? I don't know. I mean, the book was easy to read and well-paced and entertaining, but I was just left asking "what the fuck" and not in the "that's fucked up and awesome" kind of way. Parts of it I really liked, but overall it fell flat.