A review by mlynes_author
Mercy's Gift by Katy Huth Jones


"Mercy's Gift" by Katy Huth Jones is the second in a series of fictional novels set in the kingdom of Lavanthia and centered around the adventures of its young Crown Prince Valarian and his bride Princess Mercy (who is now know as Merry).
We first met Valarian and Mercy in the beautifully written and richly plotted first book by Ms. Huth, entitled "Mercy's Prince" and this second novel continues their tale. The exciting conclusion of "Mercy's Prince" left us all wanting much much more and this second tale does not disappoint. We are in the hands of a master and this exciting sequel develops more depth and dimension to all of our favorite characters, with the stouthearted squire Kieran nearly becoming as important a character as our hero and heroine.
The tale opens with Valarian assuming more of his duties and responsibilities as Crown Prince and with Mercy (now known as Merry) adapting to her unaccustomed role as both one noble-born and also as a royal consort. Her amazing gift is still strong however and her open and wonderful heart are the core and soul of this well crafted tale. The couple have secured a strong and unusual bond, but their new-found happiness and the peace of the kingdom are under many threats, some obvious and some hidden and nefarious. Treachery and treason run throughout this new chapter in their shared lives and we are drawn irresistibly onward and ever deeper into its tangled web.
There are dragons of course and new villains and old to be challenged. No spoilers but I will say that the conclusion of this tale is in many ways very surprising and somewhat bitter-sweet. You will enjoy it and, if you are like me, only find it wanting to be longer!
Bravo and Five Stars - richly deserved.