A review by courtneyreadsallnight
Lord of London Town by Tillie Cole


I'm ending 2023 on a great book. Lord of London Town has strong 1920's gangster vibes, but set in current day with cell phones, internet, gps tracking, etc. You forget that when you're reading, though. When someone would pull out a phone, it would hit me that the world head was a hybrid with the aesthetic of the early American gangsters, but the advantages of technology. The MMC and MFC were well developed and I stepped into their world. The skilled writing enabled me to live Cheska's life vicariously through her story and understand the humanity hidden within Arthur and his family of misfits.

I was immersed and loved the experience.

@authortilliecole earned my devotion with A Thousand Boy Kisses. I am not a crier, but I bawled my eyes out reading that one. I will absolutely be reading A Thousand Broken Pieces when it releases this summer. She captured me again with Lord of London Town, which checked a lot of very important boxes for me. So many dark romances tend to be heavy "spice" and feel like smut, which if you're into, great, it's just not me. This book is more story line than spice. Don't get me wrong, there is spice, but it's written into the story rather than taking over the story. The scenes work well to progress the story line; they aren’t gratuitous sex scenes without purpose. It is truly artistic.

This book made me reflect on relationships in my past. Some relationships are kept at such a surface level for years on end, never exploring the potential for both to blossom and grow as a result of something deeper. It can take something huge to bring one or both of you to the realization that this could be more, but it's only meant to be if the other person feels the same way. And often that is the hardest battle you fight – getting on the same page. Once you are, you can take on the world. That's what Cheska and Arthur did. They found each other, discovered after far too long what they truly were to each other, and once they embraced that they were able to take on anything that came at them.

This book pulled me in and didn't let me go. I thought about the characters when I was away from my book, and connected with them throughout their development. It was a great read and I would LOVE there to be a follow up... please, @authortilliecole !!


A Never- Crier (Courtney)