A review by drakoulis
Wranglestone by Darren Charlton


A swoony gay love story in a post-apocalyptic world!

Wranglestone is the kind of book for which the advice to ignore the average rating score (both on Goodreads and elsewhere) applies 100%. Don't get put off by the 3.5 stars you see, the book has been review-bombed by some people for odd reasons!

Lake Wranglestone in Montana is a naturally fortified refuge for a community of survivors of a zombie apocalypse. In the summer, because in the winter the water freezes and the dead can walk straight at them. Mistakes are not tolerated, everyone has a role and weakness is considered fatal.

Peter has a moment of weakness, and has to step out of the safety net his dad carefully laid out for him for years. The world is harsh for him-but this misstep is the excuse Cooper-the blonde handsome fearless boy he watches from afar-needed to finally meet him in person.

Peter and Cooper have amazing chemistry, their different personalities, strengths and weaknesses complete each other!

Cooper has an odd way of talking sometimes (supposedly to show that he didn't have education from his dad growing up) which can be off-putting, that's the only criticism of the book worth mentioning I have.

They will soon find out that secrets have been kept from them and the world's reality is not exactly what they've been told.

When hard choices need to be made, there is only one thing they will both stand for: each other.