A review by kaitrosereads
The Hollow by Jessica Verday


When The Hollow was first released I rushed out to but it. When I read some of the terrible reviews for it, I decided to wait. Now I’m glad I did only because I don’t have to wait for the sequel to be released.

Abigail (Abbey) Browning refuses to believe that her best friend is dead. She and Kristen spent all their time at the river. There’s no way Kristen would fall in and drown. Abbey knows something else must be up. Unfortunately Abbey is distracted before she can uncover the mystery of Kristen’s disappearance. This distraction comes in the form of a very cute boy with some secrets of his own. Caspian is hiding something but does it have anything to do with Kristen or is it something entirely different?

I loved The Hollow but that doesn’t mean that I don’t have my complaints. My main problem was the length. I love big books but this one seemed to include a lot of unnecessary information. I also felt that all that info led up to an unsatisfying climax. I’m reading the second book right now to see where everything is going because the ending of the first left me wanting more, and not in a good way.

While I did have my complaints, I found myself enjoying the book. I loved reading about Sleepy Hollow and the characters were pretty great. Abbey was a bit emotional but what teenage girl isn’t? Caspian was confusing which led to the emotions but I finally understood at the end and it was quite a surprise. =]

Overall, The Hollow is, in my opinion, a great book. I enjoyed the characters, the setting, and especially the story. I can’t wait to see where Jessica Verday takes the story in the next book.