A review by hugbandit7
Links by Lisa Becker


I really liked this romance novel! It was a little different as the two main characters, Garrett and Charlotte, took their time in getting to know one another as friends - or learn how each person was today vs when they were in high school. Sure maybe they had some hang ups from that time, but as with anyone, we learn from our past to change the future. I like how both characters saw something more in the other and help pushed for that growth. Of course there were still insecurities to deal with especially on Charlotte's side, but that is part of being human!

There were lots of funny moments that made me smile or giggle. Garrett's family was a bit nuts! And playing "I Never" at the cabin one weekend with the family?! Perhaps a bit TMI...or at least I don't know what to know about intimate details about my siblings. Then there is Fiona (Fi) who is one of Charlotte's best friends from college. Don't mess with her! But she seemed like someone I wouldn't mind having as a friend.

As a side note - there is some graphic language during the part they were playing "I Never"....I personally didn't like the wording but that is my personal taste. The sex scenes are a little graphic in case that offends anyone. There aren't many of those scenes and they are all near the end of the book.