A review by papidoc
Death by Meeting: A Leadership Fable...about Solving the Most Painful Problem in Business by Patrick Lencioni


Another outstanding book on an important management skill by Patrick Lencioni. Once again using a fable, this time to illustrate how to approach improving meeting time and using meetings for four different purposes:
• The Daily Check-In (5 min): Share daily schedules and activities - don't sit down, keep it administrative, don't cancel even when some can't attend.
• The Weekly Tactical (45-90 min): Review weekly activities & metrics & resolve tactical obstacles & issues - don't set agenda until after initial reporting, postpone (park) strategic discussions.
• The Monthly Strategic (2-4 hrs): Discuss, analyze, brainstorm, & decide on critical issues affecting LT success - limit to 1-2 topics, prepare & do research ahead of time, engage in constructive conflict.
• The Quarterly Off-Site Review (1-2 days): Review strategy, industry trends, competitive landscape, key personnel, team development - away from office, focus on work & limit social activities, don't overstructure or overburden the schedule.