A review by ryner
Papa Goose: One Year, Seven Goslings, and the Flight of My Life by Michael Quetting


What child, upon learning about imprinting phenomenon in baby birds, has never mused "What if I got a hatchling to imprint on me?" Folks, Michael Quetting got to live out our fantasies, and it's simultaneously as adorable as and a lot messier than our blithe imaginings. Read about his year living in a small camper in Germany raising greylag goslings who think he's their papa. The writing could have been a bit more polished, but the weirdest aspect of the book is the bizarre dialect the locals seem to speak when communicating with Quetting -- are they members of a Quaker community, or is it just an unusual way to translate from the original German?

I received this ARC via LibraryThing's Early Reviewers program.