A review by theas1a4f5
The Burning Girl by Lisa Unger


I received this book and The Whispers at the same time and I was so wound up and excited by the first one that even though it was 2am I jumped straight into reading this one.
I love the direction Unger has taken with this series and characters. I think people who liked Amanda Stevens Graveyard Queen series would like these novellas. But what I enjoy about Unger’s writing is that it is spare, tight and fast paced.

It's now many years later her daughter is now married with kids of her own and living as far away as she can possibly get and still be in the same country – she does not approve of her mother’s gift or that it is public knowledge what she does. Eloise has a mentor; an older psychic who often gives her advice that she then ignores. One of the officers from the first book has formed his own agency and she helps him with cases.

Eloise seems still very fragile and unsettled especially when the burning girl shows up – she is unlike the others and seems more malevolent. It is all very gripping and at the end of the book we still don’t know what the burning girl’s story is, why she is haunting that other family so I need more and am looking forward to part 3 whenever it comes available. Hurry up Lisa Unger :-)