A review by dkmode
The Doom Patrol Omnibus by Grant Morrison


Took me more than two years to get through this because there are more ideas in a single panel of it than most superhero comics have in their entire runs and sometimes you need a break from that. Every page there's a weird three-legged dog with a fork for a head running up to our heroes out of the shadows and telling them that the Diamond Of Langreene is overcharged and must be returned to The Subspace of Reality (which, the book will tell you, was initially conceptualized by Freud on his first LSD trip) or some shit, and there isn't anything you can do but begrudgingly accept it. This is the same reaction our main POV character, Robotman, has to this information, which is good, because most of the other Doom Patrol members are off hallucinating their imaginary friends into physical being or having sex with themselves to give birth to a new version of themself which hatches from an egg. There is just A Lot Going On, and it gives the proceedings an anarchic glee which is simultaneously chaotic, hilarious, and, often, horrific. It's a run that commits to its own weirdness, that's interested in investigating what it means to be weird, gross, and ugly in a world that demands the sanded-off edges of conformity - and that, eventually, finds a twisted, sweet beauty in it all.