A review by tome15
Buried Deep by Kristine Kathryn Rusch


Rusch, Kristine Kathryn. Buried Deep. Retrieval Artist No. 5. Roc, 2005.
One of the intriguing things about Kristine Kathryn Rusch’s Retrieval Artist novels is how much aliens, who are never precisely described, drive the action. The Disty are interstellar aliens who have recently established a large colony on Mars, displacing most of the human population. We really know only one thing about them: they have an extreme corpse phobia. Any contact with a dead body, or even being near one, is considered pollution that must be cleaned by means that may include exile or execution. When human remains are found on Mars buried beneath a Disty building, the entire interstellar alliance is threatened. If Miles Flint cannot find the killer, the Disty may pull out of the alliance and kill thousands of their own citizens in a cleansing ritual. Rusch has the knack of writing well-plotted crime novels that make their science fiction premises central elements.