A review by bookstarreviews_
The Sharp Edge of Silence by Cameron Kelly Rosenblum



A devastating read packed with toxic masculinity and failing systems.

(This review contains sensitive topics⚠️)

This read made me feel angry, sad, frustrated and happy throughout. Just like one of the protagonists ballet dancing, Rosenblum has choreographed a fantastic read. 

I always find books like this difficult to review due to the prominent themes of sexual assault, rape and the treatment of girls. The way that this book has been delivered was very clever and highlights the debelitating effects that sexual assault causes.

This book contained a strong plot and even stronger characters. Charlotte was a lovely MC and I could see myself being her friend. Seb was also really nice, however, his lack of actions towards his fellow male peers made him just as complicit. Max was very smart and overlooked and it was just painful to see him transform from the campus geek to hanging around with the alpha rowers. Q’s character was portrayed beautifully. She faced the unthinkable and her poem accounting for the events at Summer Sendoff was incomprehensible and utterly terrifying. Her character really encapsulates the blame that victims place on themselves.

Social, economic and power divisions rule this read and I learnt a lot from this book. I absolutely loved how each chapter had sub chapters for each characters POV. This worked incredibly well and was very engaging. I also loved the reference to having meetings to ‘Wine and Whine’. 

Rosenblum has formed a brilliant read and although the ending felt rushed, I enjoyed this book. The girls totally kicked the guys in the balls and I loved it!