A review by laura_cs
Mistletoe and Mr. Right by Sarah Morgenthaler


I received an ARC of this title from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Lana Montgomery is beautiful, rich, a force to be reckoned with in any situation, primed to be the heir to the Montgomery real estate empire... and Public Enemy Number One in Moose Springs, Alaska. Lana had good intentions when she bought up the entire town, desperate to save the one place that feels like 'home' from financial ruin. But everyone hates her, her greedy cousin wants to see her--and Moose Springs--fail, someone has carved male genitalia in the snow pointing directly at her condo project, and--for reasons she still cannot determine--she declared in front of all of Moose Springs that she would try her hand at capturing the elusive Santa Moose--a seemingly ghost-like creature who is (literally) the world's biggest Grinch, destroying the town's holiday decor. Things could only be worse if she accidentally shot her crush with moose tranquilizer, right?

Divorced and owner of Moose Spring's pool hall, Rick Harding has never met anyone quite like Lana. Rick knows that beautiful and whip-smart Lana is way out of his league. He definitely has never thought about asking her out on a date, especially not since she just basically became his landlord. Not that he'd ask anyone out on a date. Especially not this close to Christmas. The holidays have been hard ever since his wife left him, leaving Rick with his grumpy nephew, his even grumpier cat, and his grumpy-on-the-rare-occasion hedgehog. But, somehow, he suspects this year will be different.

And that was before Lana Montgomery mistook him for a moose.

Return to crazy, complicated, and cozy Moose Springs, Alaska for the holidays! See old friends, meet some new ones, hunt the elusive Santa Moose, go on the weirdest first date ever (So. Many. Squirrels...), laugh hard and fall harder for Lana and Rick's romance!

A definite plus for this book is learning more about Lana; we got the barely-scratching-the-surface side of Lana in "The Tourist Attraction", and saw her as Zoey saw her: this glamorous, confident, powerful, smart, privileged woman who has a soft side not many people get to see. Now, in "Mistletoe and Mr. Right", we get to see the deeper parts of Lana, the little girl who fell in love with Moose Springs and the people in it, the grown woman who still cares so deeply for the town that hates her, the pressure she constantly feels to be a Montgomery, and the friend who is so happy to see her friends happy. Lana doesn't let her guards down often, but when she does, the people who get to see her are special. Zoey is one, but Rick quickly becomes another. And he understands that need to have those guards up because he has his own. It's what's been protecting his heart and happiness since his high school sweetheart divorced him, and what he needs to do to survive and provide for himself and his ball of angst nephew, Diego. But, unfortunately for Rick, doing so means that he only sees his flaws, his imperfections, and holds himself back more than he actually helps himself. Good thing Lana has confidence to spare, right?

There's no place like Moose Springs for the holidays!