A review by blairconrad
Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows by Dan Slott


Quite good. The story was interesting, and I really liked the curve ball thrown at Spidey at the beginning, giving me super high hopes. I did feel like that ball was dropped a little until the end, though. Still, plenty of feelings, including one panel with MJ talking to Annie that would've made the whole book worth reading if that was the only thing in it.

I think the main advantage this book and [b:Thors: Battleworld|25319042|Thors Battleworld|Jason Aaron|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1437735766s/25319042.jpg|45051916] had over the other Secret Wars/Battleworld compilations I've read is that these ones had "let's put our heroes in a cool place and add an experiment". The others were just the former; a setting of "all women" or "1992" with nowhere special to go after that.