A review by emmastia
The Golden Mean by Annabel Lyon


This book was different from anything I had read in a while - a novel set in Greek times following the relationship between Aristotle and Alexander. It was fun and engaging and really made me rethink what I know about ancient history. It also brought me perfectly to the start of my next book, [b:Cleopatra: A Life|9722923|Cleopatra A Life|Stacy Schiff|http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41WX1NtEBIL._SL75_.jpg|12020129].

I read about this book initially on a website that recommended 3 great debut novels of 2010: [b:The Breaking of Eggs: A Novel|7629775|The Breaking of Eggs A Novel|Jim Powell|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1277815596s/7629775.jpg|10128815], [b:The Wake of Forgiveness|7743827|The Wake of Forgiveness|Bruce Machart|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1285287831s/7743827.jpg|10561949] and this one. They were all very good.