A review by elste
Dream a Little Dream by Susan Elizabeth Phillips


"A warm and humorous story.” That assessment was from the L.A. Times. Sadly, I did not get the same impression.

This story abounds with so many southern cliche's I lost count. Thrust into small-town Borg mentality, we are subject to unapologetic "good ol' boy" misogyny, objectification of women, and finishing with the kind of bible banging that gives religion a bad reputation.

The characters presented as 2-dimensional puppets failing to provide any emotional substance in the telling of their backstories. And, I ceased to catch any humor in this book, if there was any.

Bottom line, Dream and Little Dream served only as a vehicle to pass the time. Dispensing a modicum of entertainment — in a cheesy ridiculous manner, that lasted for as long as it took to turn the page. This story was not my cup of tea.