A review by romancejunkie1025
The Bear's Forever Mate by Vivian Arend


4.5 stars. This was one twisty and fascinating story, with so much going on in such a short time that one might fear there wasn’t enough filler to build the relationship for Amber and Cooper, but Arend’s skill once again proves she is a mistress of romance for a good reason. Fact is that no one else could have truly done this story the justice it deserved. Amber was the kind of strong and determined woman, with the backbone of steel, heart of gold, and patience of Job that I wish I could be. She is the match that Cooper needs to keep him in line, laughing at the ridiculousness that life can sometimes be, and just mischievous enough to keep their future mated life from being boring. Cooper is one of those people like me with a list for everything in life, one that doesn’t adapt well to change, and that has to think through everything little piece of a decision before he can commit, which is ironic considering he shares his spirit with a wild polar bear. That dichotomy leads to some hilarious internal dialogue between the two and of course some decisions that require Amber to work all the harder to overcome his obstinacy. I loved seeing these two balance one another and find a way to make their lives perfect just by being what the other needed at the most important moments. The heat between them was of course off the charts leading to passionate moments that even melted the snow protecting them at one moment (nope, not a metaphor). I also loved seeing the family togetherness and the ways that Arend shows how two cultures and families can come together to make a whole that is so much greater than the parts combined, reminding me a little bit of her contemporary series that are so family focused. I loved this story for each and every second, and while I, of course, wish it had been longer just to prolong the enjoyment, there wasn’t a single thing lacking from the plot or the romance and I cannot wait to spread the word about this series and this trilogy specifically, not to mention now I can binge reread all three. Another masterpiece Vivian!

Full review to be seen on the blog at: