A review by emeraldberkowitz
The Enemy at His Pleasure: A Journey Through the Jewish Pale of Settlement During World War I by S. Ansky, Joachim Neugroschel

This book is amazing and I want to recommend it to everyone that doesn't understand how WW2 and the nazi atrocities could have happened, but honestly I can only read a page or two and then I have to freak out and ignore it for a while. it's a history of how WW1-era antisemitism manifested in pogroms and other government (and leftist/intellectual)-sanctioned brutality and genocide of european jewry. I want to know these details, and Ansky is a stunningly powerful writer and Neugroschell an excellent translator, but it's just so depressing! Ack. I think I need to read other Ansky books before I can handle all these horrific details.