A review by zukythebookbum
The Moustache by Emmanuel Carrère

this was such a bizarre book. it is darkly humorous, silly and absurd, especially to begin with, but there is a level of it being quietly unsettling throughout as well. it’s one of those books where we are not privy to anything outside of our main character, so we are also in the dark as to whether he had a moustache to begin with or not. 

despite its small size, it’s a bit of a slow-paced read due to the nature of the internal ramblings of our main character. as the book goes on and the characters paranoia deepens, he begins to make more rash decisions and so in turn he gets more and more inside his own head. 

as I was coming towards the end of this book I was thinking 'well, what an odd little book' and then I read the end and… no words… other than maybe what the fuck!!! it went totally off the deep end. I need Ari Aster to make this into a movie immediately!!! 

the only thing I’d mention is that this book was originally published in the 80’s so it does suffer from some out of date language which is something to be mindful of. that being said, this was a brilliant start to my reading year, give me all the strange, weird and fucked up books! 

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