A review by leabookjoy
True Confessions by Rachel Gibson


3,5 stars
Tabloid reporter, Hope comes to Gospel, a small town in Idaho, trying to find the inspiration and put some order in her life. Except between the more or less well-kept secrets, the strange customs of the inhabitants of Gospel and the "moves" of the sexy sheriff, Hope still has surprises in store ...
Well, at first I took this romance thinking that it may resemble the books by Jennifer Crusie (original and addictive), but that romance was quite classic and not extraordinary. Call it an easy reading =) Romance is in the heart of the book and although I quite liked the sheriff and the heroin, their love story was a little too easy, the characters were pretty clichés (the crazy hillbillies VS the sexy city girl a bit silly) and the plot was not that exciting and lacked depth and nuance (the dwarf stalker who leaves Mexico with a waitress ... Really ??)
The ending leaves us a little dissatisfied: how things will go with Adam ?? And Juliette ?? Will Hope continue her work ?? How will be her article about the previous sheriff of Gospel ??
To conclude, not an awesome book but nice enough =)