A review by annettebooksofhopeanddreams
The Darkest Bloom by P.M. Freestone


I put this book down about half an hour ago and I still don't know what to do with the rating and what to write down in this review. Could it be that I've simply read this book at the wrong moment? Could it be that my current mood is the issue here? Could it be that if I re-read this book in another a few months or years my opinion would change? I don't know.

The book has a lot of ingredients I really like: It has a rich world built on the solid foundation of mythology and political systems. It doesn't waste pages and pages on introductions but throws us right into the story to slowly figure out who's who and what's going on. The characters are layered and intelligent, which leads to a plot that follows a logical course and comes full circle on loads of individual elements. The finale is spectaculair and action packed and everything beautifully comes together.

And yet...I don't feel it. I simply don't feel it. There is no connection between me and the characters. I wasn't impressed by the wonderful world crafted. I never felt invested or excited. I didn't care what would happen to the characters and those few moments they showed some emotion I just didn't feel anything. And that's a truly weird experience. Because feeling something, falling in love and being invested, that's the core of reading for me.

So, even though the individual elements of the story were good, it just didn't do anything for me. It could very well be that it's not the book, but me.