A review by ngallion
Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir


This somehow made me feel both very smart and pretty stupid at the same time. Despite the fact that there’s a lot of science going on in this book, though, it’s very approachable and is just a lot of fun. I read a lot and it’s rare that a book will actually cause me to laugh out loud, but this one did several times.

It’s hard to talk about this book because so much of the plot spoils interesting surprises, so I’ll just say that I didn’t believe the hype and put this book off for a while, but shouldn’t have. This is a great read.

So instead of talking about what I loved, I’ll mention the things that might make this book not work for some folks: 1) it’s written in a relaxed, casual voice that might not sit well with some folks who would prefer a hard reality-based sci-fi to be more serious. 2) Its story structure works, but it frequently repeats. (Problem presents itself, main character puzzles it out, main character solves problem, repeat.) There are enough other things going on that this isn’t as bad as it sounds, but by the end you can almost predict when the cycle will start up again. 3) I still don’t know if the ending works or not. If those things would put you off, this book isn’t for you. If those aren’t issues, though, you’ll probably find a lot to love here.