A review by lhart2222
The Devil Aspect by Craig Russell


1/5 DNF I told myself I would never stop reading a book, just in case it gets good, well I couldn’t force myself through it.

I was buzzed when I saw this book, read the description, and thought it sounded great similar to that of Silence of the Lambs. However, this was perhaps the most boring 176 pages of my life. Honestly so slow, I felt I could have read 5 other books in the time it took me to get here.

Every single minute detail is described to the absolute max, it was jarring after the first chapter. I’ve read more unnecessary words in this book than I thought possible. Not only is it so hard to read because of the over descriptions but it repeats these multiple times. I get it, the castle is made of dark thick stone walls and it feels like a stone embrace.

Content-wise this book could be great, however, am I willing to drag myself through it, less kicking and screaming more yawning and snoring? No.

This book is one with a dark tale to tell, but dull and long, and massively drawn out, with its thin paper pages, with the dark ink, which is perhaps a sign with what it was written. It just seems to never end. Capturing me in its dark paper embrace of boredom. The elongated, paragraphs of nothingness, lead me on and on as I try and discover more about this gruesome killer. Did I mention this book over describes and repeats itself?

Overall this book is not worth the effort.