A review by quirkycatsfatstacks
Captain Marvel (2019-) #15 by Kelly Thompson


"Captain Marvel #15 is an issue that many Carol Danvers fans have been eagerly awaiting. This issue is part of “The Last Avenger” plot arc, and it has been a dramatic ride from the very first moment. Due to a strange series of circumstances (which I will not spoil here), Carol has been tasked with fighting the Avengers.

Yes, you read that right. This entire plot arc has been a series of fights that we’ve dreamed of seeing. Best of all, there’s actual reason and justification behind it. It’s made for some intense reading, but it has also been highly entertaining.

This is a plot arc that has been getting a lot of ink. And honestly? With good reason. Thus far we’ve seen Carol take on some of the most famous Avengers—all while showing her unique spin. These fights show off Carol at her best, and at her worst. And that makes it perfect for her fans."

Check out the rest of my review over at Word of the Ned