A review by merlin_reads
Chained by Ruthie Knox


 I had been seeing this book pop up all over my feed on Goodreads, but it wasn't until my blog partner pushed me to read it that I finally did it. And I'm very happy with that outcome. Roman Holiday was exactly what I needed after reading both an extremely long book and one that didn't live up to its hype. It was short, sweet, sassy and left me wanting more.

When Ashley discovers that her Grandmother sold the apartment complex where she grew up before she died to an up and coming developer, she decides to take a stand - or rather a sit. She chains herself to a tree in protest, with no food or water or any extra clothes to protect her from the elements. Just the bikini and cover-up she has on. She might not have though this through entirely.

Enter Roman, our up and coming developer. He sees this site as a perfect addition to his plans for a huge resort on the Keys. The only thing standing (or sitting) in the way of his dream - the woman chained to a tree. The first is a serialized novel, Roman Holiday sets up the initial meeting between our two main characters and the trip that will ultimately bring them together (or so I presume).

Through Knox's writing, we get to see inside both Ashley and Roman's heads and begin to understand why they are both so set in their ways. Ashley's mind is almost an open book: the complex is dear to her because of her past there. Roman, however, is more of a mystery. Something happened in his past and we are only getting glimpses of what makes him, well, him.

I feel like this was a little teaser because all it did was make me want to read more. I've never read a serialized novel before, but I'm definitely going to stick with this one.

I received an e-copy of this novel from the publisher for my honest opinion and review via Netgalley.