A review by bookapotamus
Rough Passage to London: A Sea Captain's Tale, a Novel by Robin Lloyd


If you thought that dude on the rum bottle was the coolest Captain Morgan - think again! This guy runs circles around him! Captain Ely Morgan is one of those characters (who is a REAL LIFE captain from the 1800’s btw) that you immediately respect, you long for his happiness and success, and you most definitely will want to sit down and have a bit of rum with him!

Full disclosure: I’m not a huge historical fiction fan. I tend to get bored with the historical details. But I jumped at the chance to work with Suzy Approved Book Tours and Get Red PR again. AND, I make all exceptions when it comes to pirates, ships and sailing, or anything that has to do with the sea! Man, this one did NOT disappoint. I actually found that that this story kept me riveted and engaged the ENTIRE time. It read so smoothly, transitioning through time, across oceans and continents, and I found not one instance where I was bored, or bogged down with any boring details. The pace is fast, the adventure is exciting, and the story is fascinating. It sails full speed ahead from start to finish. I loved the momentum and the mystery was insanely intriguing.

There’s a bit of something for everyone in this sea tale - based on a true story, it’s a fictionalized account of the author’s ancestor, Elisha Ely Morgan. We meet Ely as a young boy, on his family farm during the War of 1812 where him and his brother Abraham get just a tad too close to the action. Fast forward a few years when a letter arrives - telling his family that of his two brothers who were since sent off to war, one has died, and the other, missing. Eli runs off to begin the life of a sailor, determined to find out what happened to his brother, and may very well end up spending the rest of his life doing so. After all - he could be anywhere in the world, and what better way to search the world than to sail its' seas? I’ve even purchase My. Lloyd’s most recent novel “Harbor of Spies” because I loved this one so much!

There are all the necessary elements that make this tale well worth reading… from family and love, to pirates and mutiny, through hurricanes and war - all fueling an epic adventure full of danger and excitement. It’s amazing at a every turn, and there are a lot of turns in this enthralling nautical novel! You won’t want to put it down - I promise you.