A review by rcrg
Riggs' Ruin by Nicola Jane


I try not to give poor ratings without at least explaining why, but there is so much to explain with this book that it's exhausting. I'm going to hit the highlights.

1. Reading about the decisions the heroine makes was like watching a B horror film from the 80's. The lone girl walks down the stairs to the basement, by herself, after her friends are being killed one by one. You're screaming don't go down there and she just keeps walking. Her ex puts her in critical condition and she still meets him in the park. She makes a decision to go back to her ex believing he will honor her "deal" when he's never honored a thing in their relationship. Now for the piece de resistance... said with sarcasm... when her husband is raping her, she says "it's not really rape because we're married, even if I don't want it." At this point I thought, you might be too stupid to live.
2. The hero was a joke. I think he was suppose to come off as Billy Badass, but he needs to platonically sleep with a club girl skin to skin so he can sleep. He leaves his kid, ex wife and lover, whose married to another, held captive for days, while he's "forming" a plan. His miracle plan just magically clicks all in place and viola he saves the day.
3. The MC is working with the cops.... I threw up a little in my mouth. You don't get to call yourself a strong, drug running club of bikers and work with cops.

......... and everyone lived happily ever after........