A review by ld2
Rescue Me by K.M. Neuhold


Thane and Madden meet at the club bar with strobing lights and pounding music. It’s instant lust, instant attraction – the perfect first club meet. Until the gun shots start.

This is a story about love, but it’s also a story about overcoming and healing. Thane and Madden are both men who have dealt with their own pain and struggles – they are no strangers to adversity. But when a moment of fun turns into one of the most dangerous nights of their lives, old wounds are reopened and magnified by a new trauma.

What I really liked about this book is that although there is a lot of adversity and personal healing, the romance is still strong and thriving. Thane and Madden have a beautiful connection with each other and with their friends. They are well developed characters who grow and change, and despite all the pain, there is a lot of humor, joy, and snark. Plus there’s some super hot sex scenes which were wonderful. Overall, I really liked this book and I’m so happy I started this series.