A review by lozlox
Black by Fleur Ferris


I love this author and this is my favourite of her books (while I'm patiently waiting for 'Wreck').

'Black' is about a girl, Ebony Marshall, who everyone believes is cursed because it seems like everyone she gets close to ends up buried in the dirt. The sypnosis made me snatch up this book immediately and they say not to judge a book by it's cover but hey... that's a pretty cover.

There is a love triangle type subplot in this novel that I'm not at all against, I don't like books in which the primary plot is about romance (I didn't like Pride and Prejudice, sorry). Book romance, for me, is refreshing to hear about in the background and I also lowkey fell in love with Aiden Sweet (oops).
But despite all the lovey stuff it gets really dark and twisted when the story reaches it's climax. To put it simply, 'Black' is my kind of book.

Every book has it's flaws, for me some parts were messy, some were slightly predictable but then there were shockers and chapters of the novel that had my nose touching the pages (Rest In Peace, Lo's eyesight). But overall I love the return of that overwhelming sense of danger that lingers like a black cloud over the heads of the characters, a danger that was very present in 'Risk'.

I could connect to Black Marshall, I felt desperate for her and I felt her desperation. It's easy to relate to a character like Black because we've all (excluding the very lucky ones) lost someone in our lives, whether it be through death or maybe they've moved away/on... 
I'm pretty sure Aiden Sweet is too perfect for a teenage boy but I'll ignore that because he's sweet *finger guns* and it's nice to read about a genuinely kind person.