A review by we_are_all_mad_here26
A Sudden, Fearful Death by Anne Perry


The trend that I've noticed with books in this series - somewhat less than exciting first half, much, much better past that point - does not hold true for this one. It was more consistent by a lot, and I did not get bored even once. So now I might be dedicated to reading all 20-however-many.

That being said I solved this mystery way sooner than old Monk did, or a part of it anyway, which is weird as Monk is forever being described (mostly by himself, in his own head) as a brilliant detective.

I also cannot seem to get past the ever-weirder physical descriptions of characters. Like:

"He had never known exactly what to make of Evan. He looked so mild and inoffensive with his long nose and hazel eyes, but seemed always to be on the brink of amusement..."

I'm sorry, he looked inoffensive because of the color of his eyes and his long nose??

Or - "Sir Herbert’s eyes narrowed and he concentrated intensely, weighing the face he saw with its broad forehead, curious very dark eyes for a man otherwise fair, long sensitive nose and beautiful mouth."

What is a long sensitive nose?

Finally, I cannot help but question moments like this:

"A mixture of emotions filled his face— discomfort, defensiveness, irritation, and tenderness."

I just truly do not believe a person can detect all these alleged emotions in one fleeting moment.

But, whatever, 4 stars because I enjoyed it all the same.