A review by amym84
Driven by Kelley Armstrong


In Driven Elena has to deal with letting Malcolm Danvers back into the Pack knowing what a sociopath he is. Elena knows that Malcolm's actions have effected everyone within the pack in a most negative way and she hates that this decision is even put before her and the Pack. But after much discussion with Jeremy and Clay, Elena concedes.

Elena is determined to use Malcolm to the fullest of his capabilities. He may be an older wolf, but he knows how to fight and he's ruthless. That's why when Davis Cain comes to the Pack for help, Elena makes sure Malcolm will accompany them as they search for the person or persons who killed at least two Cain wolves in a most cruel and horrible way.

I love that Kelley Armstrong has continued on with The Otherworld series in various novellas even after the main series ended.

Elena and the Pack have always been my favorite in Armstrong's series. Every time I get to go back and read more about Elena, Clay, Jeremy, Nick, the twins, etc. it feels like reading about old friends. Each time I read a new story in this world, I love the depth that Armstrong is still able to add to these characters after about fifteen years.

I haven't been able to read all of the novellas released, but Armstrong's writing is so strong that it really doesn't matter. I think having a good general understanding of the characters in this series goes a long way to being able to enjoy any story put out in this world, but it is in no way required. There was a lot of information in Driven that I immediately recognized as events that have taken place in a previous novel or novella some of which I hadn't read, but I was still able to follow along with no problem. I think it's because the core characters and feelings are all that matters and Armstrong's understanding of her characters and their actions is great enough that even people who haven't read any of the books would find enjoyment in this novella.

I think if you are already a fan of this series you won't be disappointed with Driven, and if you're new to the series hopefully picking up this novella will inspire you to go back and be properly introduced to Elena and Company.

*Arc provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.