A review by nadine_booklover
Bittersweet Always by Ella Fields


"Because life will happen. Happen with it, but ... don't let it change who you are."

Bittersweet Always is bitter and sweet and everything in between. It's bittersweet perfection.

"How well do you really know someone? You don't."

To be honest, I didn't cry while reading this book. But sitting here, trying to gather my thoughts and feelings about it, tears are welling up and goosebumps are spreading, only from thinking about this soul-touching deep story from Pippa and Toby.

"You're worth it all. And hopefully one day, you'll see that. See yourself the way I do."

I knew - because we already met Pippa and Toby in Suddenly Forbidden - that their book will touch a very sensitive and tough topic. What I didn't expect was that Ella made this feel so damn real. Ella, the way you wrote Toby is beyond exceptional! Being in his mind, I felt his struggle deep in my bones as if it was my own storm and war I was fighting to silence the voices.

"...Love him but never forget to love yourself more."

Pippa is one of the strongest heroines I've ever met. It was an honor to be at her side while she discovered how strong she really is. Sadly because being strong was the only choice she had. But it's exactly situations like this that forms us into something greater. It takes an insanely strong character to never give up on the person you love and to always believe in him.

"I will not fall victim to the undertow, for I am unsinkable."

Pippa and Toby's lovestory is about two young people falling in love. But they not only learn to love and accept each other with everything there is but they also learn to accept and love themselves for what they are. They learn how to be strong for themselves and the other, at an age where you actually shouldn't worry about such things, where you should live carefree, enjoying life.

"I was under her skin the same way she lived in mine. I beat in her heart the same way she controlled the tempo of mine."

But fate had other plans for Toby and Pippa. And even though it was tough to read and a more than rocky road they had to pass, they (well actually Ella) created an epic lovestory. Reading this book made my heart ache constantly, I sighed a lot, sometimes I had to pause to let things think in. Every emotion found its way under my skin and stayed there, even after the last page.

"You are what I want. And what I need is for you to love me loudly again. What I need is all of you."

Intense, touching, raw, sensual, real. That's what Bittersweet Always is to me. Ella created a lovestory around the sensitive topic of mental health issues that touches your heart and the core of your soul deeply. I wish I could pour my feelings for this book into this review as Ella poured her heart into this book.

"Loving him would always be bittersweet, but I knew then that the sweet would always outweigh the bitter."

I highly recommend reading this book, experience first hand what I tried to describe here in this review. I'm pretty sure, reading this book won't disappoint you. Ella has a way with words like Ed Sheeran has with his music: They create magic.

"We stared, and we breathed each other's breaths. And when the flames climbed, melting me into a mush of sensation, he was right there, burning with me."