A review by kindleandcrochet
Luca by Nikki J. Summers


I got this as a freebie a while ago and it sounds so good.

Honeslty i really enjoyed this book, it was bumped to 3.5⭐ because i simply couldn't stop reading, if Chloe was a lot less stupid at times it probably would have been bumped to 4⭐

Don't get me wrong shes strong, stubborn, independent and rough as fuck... And yet there are times that she is incredibly stupid. The at the Black Mamba 'hideout' she didn't know who was close to the end... And when she saw the horse whip she thought they were dealing with a horse... I honestly almost threw my kindle because i could not punch her in throat like i wanted to

Never in her mind did she connect the dots despite demanding to go and be the one to rescue him against everyones wishes... Its like she is two completely different people. She's not had the easiest life and yet she w a so clueless... And forcing Luca to do things her way and never telling him what he needed to do, just fucking hurt herself in the end.

Inloved Luca he was a complete asshole but i love him... I'm a sucker for a baf boy thats really a good guy