A review by lzw
The Daughters of Maine by Tish Thawer


The Daughters of Maine (Book 2 in the Witches of BlackBrook series) by Tish Thawer is the follow up book in a paranormal series that I gave 4 out of 5 stars. This book is written in third person POV, and continues where Book 1 one left off- I highly recommend reading The Witches of BlackBrook first. This novel centers on the reuniting of the three sisters: Trin, Caris, and Kennedy.
Though separated for centuries, the three sisters are finally together after defeating Ann Putnum and vanquishing her powers. They thought coming back together would be easy, “but here we are trying our damnedest to reacquaint ourselves with long lost versions of the past that no longer exist”. Trin, as eldest, is used to being the strength and caring for her younger sisters. Yet Kennedy as the youngest is no longer the fragile innocent child-she’s a scrappy intelligent FBI agent. They need to find their back into each other’s hearts, but fate throws a fireball at that. Ann has resurfaced in present day, and taken someone close to the sisters baiting them into finding her. What sinister plans lurk in Ann’s warped mind now? Will the sisters be able to re-establish their bond in time to vanquish Ann once more? Read to find out.
This book is beautifully written with most passages sounding like prose. The intricate tale is woven with just the right amount of suspense that ensures the book never lags when jumping from the past to present day. The characters are well developed an established in this second book. There is a great twist that will leave you wanting more! Can’t wait for the third book!