A review by frankiebatwing
A Year of Questions: How to Slow Down and Fall in Love with Life by Fiona Robyn


A Year of Questions: How to Slow Down and Fall in Love with Life is a fantastic book -- although the author comes from a distinct spiritual background (which is very different from mine), she is brilliant at ensuring it isn't the centerpiece of the book -- it complements her writing but doesn't intrude and so the book allows for everyone to be able to use it.

What I deeply appreciated was the fact that you can dip into it from time to time (it is divided by season) or you can read it all at once -- which I did because it was so helpful. The questions at the end of the vignettes were slow, careful proddings into the conscious, and helped me think about the time I need to spend with myself in order for me to be healthy -- processing emotions, paying attention to how events are affecting me, and learning to be still and enjoy the sun on my face or the wind in my hair.

A lot of wisdom is shared through the book, and it was definitely helped by Fiona's heritage -- she's from the British Isles and you can tell -- the crisp, professional tone she uses, the vocabulary (delightful), and her polite, gentle affirmation of the need for self-reflection, quiet time, and time off.

I'll be re-reading this again once fall hits, in hopes of discovering more about falling in love with my life.