A review by rouver
Visitors by Orson Scott Card


This is the Orson Scott Card book that finally broke me. Yes, it took me FOREVER to realize that Card is brilliant at his first books & sucks after he's established his worlds, so I hung in there as a fan. The man wrote the book that for years was my favorite book of all time (Ender's Game). I will no longer purchase any Card books. He's not such a terrible writer that I won't READ them. But put my money down? No.

This book suffers from the same problems as its predecessors. Insane amounts of pointless dialogue...it's as if every character has diarrhea of the mouth. Every snarky comment a character might possible have is said out loud. Every whiny doubt they might have is written down. With the exception of the two characters who do the most complaining, every other character has the same 'voice.' Remove any indication of who's speaking & you'd assume that you were reading an internal monologue. Also, this book is apparently for YA readers (with multiple times poop is brought up), yet sex is flippantly discussed, and even I couldn't keep track of the 'logic' behind the time traveling. It was a bizarre mishmash that made me feel uncomfortable.

If you can push past all of that, the story itself is interesting. I *like* Card's ideas. I just had to do a LOT of eye rolling, groaning, and putting the book down to take a break from all the terrible dialogue. Thankfully this is the last in this series (alleluia). Book 2 & 3 were rough enough to get through that overall, I wouldn't recommend this particular Card series.