A review by julie_reads15
The Guy, the Girl, the Artist and His Ex by Gabrielle Williams


'The Guy, The Girl, The Artist And His Ex' by Gabrielle Williams is a fictionalised account of people involved in the theft of Picasso's 'Weeping Woman' from the NGV.
I loved how the author took a historical event and made it her own.
The whole first part of the novel was backstory which made it tiresome to read.
The characters' lives weaved together naturally, but I wish they had a stronger connection with each other and more scenes together.
Guy was a fairly likeable character but there were times where I thought he was a cardboard cut-out character.
Rafi was a likeable character because she was easy to sympathise with and always aimed to do the right thing.
Luke was an unlikeable character because he mistreated his ex girlfriend, didn't care about his son and forged artworks for a living.
Penny was an unlikeable character because even though Luke continuously mistreated her, she still loved him.