A review by binstonbirchill
Ducks, Newburyport by Lucy Ellmann


I appreciate the insight into the mind of another that stream-of-consciousness allows, in that sense this book is a success. The narrator encapsulates 2019 in America very well in the book for a certain portion of our population. Our narrator skims the surface of fears, anxieties, and unresolved issues in her life, her family, her state of Ohio, and in America itself.

Yet I’m at the end of this long novel I’m left expecting something more. Solutions, options, thoughts about where we can go from here other than wishing it were better. In the end that’s just not something our narrator is offering, and much like our country, there’s not a lot of talk about how we bridge the divide, how we overcomes our differences and create a better environment to raise our kids, a better life for ourselves and each other.

Those books are out there and those are the books that will move the conversation, move our country, and the make the world a better place. I know I’m expecting something from this book that it isn’t trying to be. For what it’s trying to do it does the job very well, I just wanted something more.