A review by authorheatherw
Luck on the Line by Zoraida Córdova


This was a cute read with a very likable heroine. I liked the love/hate relationship between the main character Lucky and bad boy chef James. Besides a sexy romance, Luck on the Line is a coming of age story about Lucky figuring out what she should do with the rest of her life.

Lucky is a heroine that I easily found relatable. She’s opinionated and doesn’t shy away from conflict. Although she’s not afraid to stand up for herself, Lucky is struggling to find her place in the world. She’s floated from job to job without figuring out what she wants to do with the rest of her life.

The romance was great in this book. I love stories that feature characters who start out hating each other, but then realize they’re only fighting their undeniable chemistry. The romance was a heavy focus in the plot, but I still felt like the author took enough time to develop Lucky’s character. However, I would’ve liked more insight into Lucky’s relationship with her mom in order to understand her mother’s actions.

Overall, Luck on the Line is a cute romance with a lot of funny one-liners. I did enjoy the author’s writing style, so I’ll definitely be checking out more of her books.

Rating: 4/5 Stars

Thanks to the publisher for a copy of the novel for review!