A review by fangirlarya
Decadent by Elaine White


~I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review~
My Thoughts

The focus of this book is a coming of age romance. The story starts out with Lachlan planning to propose to his girlfriend to find out that she had been cheating on him. In anger and hurt he runs to the bar to drink and forget. There he meets Cormag and his life is never the same.

I liked this story it was mainly a romance but I felt that it was so linear. All of Lachlan’s problems in the book felt like they were to small and easily resolved. Besides some really basic problems a lot doesn’t happen in this book. Most of the book time frame is only a few days. There are also a lot of characters in here. By the end I had trouble remembering who was who.

The romance on the other hand was cute. I loved that this was both of theirs first good relationship and liked how they interacted. Most of the scenes were cute but lacked the “oomph” I like in a good romance. They are a cute couple though.

I liked this book but I can’t give it more than three stars. This book could use a good editor. A lot of repetition was present and when the POV was switched it could get really confusing. This book is really short though less than 250 pages.

There is more that I wish I could say but I can’t without feeling like I am spoiling something. All I can say is this book is about two boys finding their HEA..

If you like M/M and are looking for a short quick read than you might like to pick this one up!

For more reviews from me check my blog here AryaTheFangirl