A review by anaelwynn
Lament for the Fallen by Gavin Chait


2.5 stars

I received this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

I found it quiet difficult to rate this book. There were some aspects that I enjoyed, but I also had problems with it.

Lets start with what I enjoyed the most! My favourite aspect of the whole book has to be the world and world building. I found the whole futuristic concept very interesting and unique. The setting where the story takes place (a more cut-off and isolated village) was very interesting as well. All in all the world was amazing and I enjoyed learning more about it.

The biggest problem I had with this book is the writing. I just couldn't get into it at all. And the further I read the more it bothered me. Let me be clear: it's not terrible, but it didn't feel complete (or rather completely edited) and it was bothering me. I didn't connect to any of the characters either. Some characters were introduced randomly and I felt as if they didn't really have a purpose in the story.

Overall it was an okay read. The world was definitely fascinating, but everything else I found very lacking.