A review by quinn_0611
Mad about the Major by Elizabeth Boyle


I discovered Elizabeth Boyle's historical romances about a year ago, and what a happy discovery it was for me. I particularly enjoy Boyle's novels in audiobook format as most of them are read by a favorite narrator of mine, Susan Deurdan. So when I saw Mad About the Major by Elizabeth Boyle available on my library's Hoopla website, I immediately checked it out.

What I Liked:

  • Mad About the Major is just such an incredibly fun story. Admittedly there are definitely moments of absolute silliness, but I enjoyed the overall story so much, that I was willing to go alone with it.

  • Arabella was a great heroine. She has a loving father and stepmother, but her father is a bit overprotective. Her father is also pressuring Arabella to marry a man she's never met, which is not something Arabella wants.

  • I found the first meeting (involving a case of mistaken identity) between Kingsley and Arabella quite entertaining, if, again, a bit silly. And that first meeting was the instigation for the whole story.

  • Kingsley was pretty great, too. He was definitely a guy who was good enough for Arabella, just as Arabella was good enough for Kingsley.

  • I really loved Arabella and Kingsley together. I could tell how wonderful a couple they would be.

  • I got such a kick out of Auggie, who was a secondary character that no one listened to. But such a nice man.

  • Susan Duerdan continues to be a favorite narrator, and she's fantastic narrating Mad About the Major.

What I Struggled With:

  • While I do like a bit of silliness, sometimes it was a bit much in this one.

  • This is a shorter novel, and almost all the romance happens in a day. While it wasn't instalove, they did fall for each other rather quickly.

  • There is a bit of a "surprise" twist towards the end, but it was pretty easy to see coming.

  • This cover is kind of cringe-worthy, in my opinion. It's his hair!

Final Thoughts:

Mad About the Major by Elizabeth Boyle was such a fun historical romance. While it wasn't perfect, I enjoyed every minute of this audiobook.This review was originally posted on Quinn's Book Nook