A review by daumari
New Spring by Robert Jordan


I see I gave it a 5 star initially... upon reread, I think 3.5 rounded up to 4 is more accurate. I love having more Wheel, and I adore baby!Moiraine and Siuan, fresh-faced 22-year-olds who spend half the novella as Accepted, woo. But, on its own without the context of the grander story? I'm not sure it holds up as well, but it's a fun prequel (kind of like Rogue One, where we know the conclusion and it's contained, but weaker).

The strengths of NS are building Aes Sedai lore, and the test for gaining the shawl- we don't see that in the main series until the Sanderson books. I decided to place this after book 4 in my reread- I've seen recommendations for after 5 ([b:The Fires of Heaven|13895|The Fires of Heaven (The Wheel of Time, #5)|Robert Jordan|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1327866286l/13895._SY75_.jpg|588034]) for story reasons or after [b:Crossroads of Twilight|113435|Crossroads of Twilight (The Wheel of Time, #10)|Robert Jordan|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1408325146l/113435._SY75_.jpg|195579] for publication order, but by putting it between 4 and 5 it really reemphasizes the urgency Moiraine has over her goal: to find the Dragon Reborn and keep him safe until the Last Battle. (Some prefer not putting it so early because an Aes Sedai introduced in 7 shows up here but honestly, she's formidable no matter when she comes in so let her pop in whenever.)

I would NOT recommend new readers start here even if it is a prequel unless you really like learning about the magic system upfromt; however, due to casting I suspect elements of NS are going to be pulled into the first season of the Amazon Prime adaptation of WOT.

spoiler thoughts:
SpoilerThe Black Ajah are a great bogeyman because they're so mysterious, and the White Tower is in denial of their existence... but honestly it's a wonder that they're able to pull off anything? By sheer numbers- Egwene discovers there are over 200, or about 20% of Aes Sedai- there's enough to cause chaos, but with their structure and inherent backstabby nature... yeah.

I cannot remember if Queen Etheinelle references the events of NS later, though surely her consort and second son being murdered would affect her perspective on interacting with sisters.