A review by crlyhairedbibliophile
Daughters of Jubilation by Kara Lee Corthron


Thanks to Simon & Schuster & Hear Our Voice Book tours for the opportunity to read an advanced copy in exchange for a review.

jubilation (n): 1. an act of rejoicing, the state of being jubilant; 2. an expression of great joy

I'm a big fan of historical fiction, especially when mixing in fantastical elements, so this one made my TBR from the moment it crossed my radar.

There was something so familiar about this that made it easy to connect to - from the setting and dialect down to the nature of the characters. I could match most of them someone I knew in the real world and that made it that much more relatable.

The thing I loved most about this was the concept of jubilation as a superpower. The fact that it was used as a means of survival reminded me of how many times joy is used as a coping mechanism for trauma, especially within the Black community. It was great to watch Evvie get a handle on her power and come into her own as a young woman and how that carried over to her various relationships with those around her.

If I had any negatives at all, it would be that I'm sad to see it end because I want more time with these characters! I love multigenerational stories, especially with matrilineal relationships, so I would happily stick around for more - past, present, and future.