A review by rubyraereads
Soul of Stars by Ashley Poston


Rating: 4.5/5 stars

Wowza I FLEW through this book at the speed of light... ha get it? Back on my space puns friends and I'm not stopping.

This sequel and I truly had an asteroid blast of a time and I would love to keep flying on a skysailer in this spacey world! Seriously, I read this chunky book in like 3 days and I love this for me.

I actually don't have all that much to say about this sequel. It withheld everything I loved about book 1 plus some higher stakes and more angst and you've got yourself a spit-spot duology finale. Seriously bummed there aren't more books *screams into eternity*

The writing was wonderful, descriptive and gut-wrenching and so easy to follow. Bar a few editing errors which I noticed in in the first book so oops. But I loved it nonetheless. The pacing kicked up a notch since I whizzed through this book and we really had a joy of a time.

I also loved how the Anastasia retelling was still sprinkled in here and there. Since this is a sequel and there is no Anastasia 2, the book doesn't have a core text to work with, but the author made it wholly unique whilst still using elements from its original and I loved it. I genuinely thought it was an excellent retelling and I'm still mad at all of you who say otherwise!

The characters are just!! ugh my faves I love them to pieces. Siege and Talle are just absolute queens and we love two moms. I loved the new characters also, which can be hard but they were a great addition to the cast. I was LOVING Robb and Jax in this book, omg they are so adorable and I was FEELING THINGS FOR THESE GAYS!!! Di's story was a lot but the author did a stunning job with mu precious child. Love a friends to lovers *cries in mechanics*. Ana is my absolute babe and I will protect her at all costs!!!! Ms Poston is a master at adorable romance and I still have hearts in my eyes btw

Did I mention I'm sad there's no third book? BECAUSE I WANT MORE!!!Let's start a petition for another book, seriously *cries*

The ending was a lot and my heart was beating extremely fast. I WANT AN EPILOGUE. Okay I'll stop now. But there really were some great twists and she had me there for a second. I can't think of a more perfect ending and I had the bestest time in this robot space world.

In conclusion, if you're looking for a series with rogue royals, glorious romance and galactic adventures, this duology is for you. It ticks every Anastasia-Star-Wars-loving fan's heart and I had the best time! I could not have asked for a better sci-fi series to fall in love with and you need to read it so we can swoon together please and thanks <3<3<3