A review by an_alaskan_fairy_tale
Treason by S.M. Boyce


Hallelujah! A Book 2 that wasn't a let-down from it's predecessor! Treason, for me, completely solidified my interest in Ourea and my faith in Boyce as a writer. My review of Lichgates mentioned some hesitations at first in falling in love with the book, but that I'd mostly gotten over them by the time I finished. Treason eliminated any remaining doubts I'd had. The characters this time around were even richer, and the plot got more complex without the feeling that gratuitous twists were being added. I also enjoyed seeing events unfold that had been introduced in Book 1, but quietly forgotten for a time. This type of patience on the part of the author makes reading a series so much more enjoyable, because the answers to new mysteries are always on the horizon. All of a sudden, you think, "Wait! Whatever happened to the chest? What about the missing Sartori?" As these questions are answered, in their own time, more develop. It's made me glad that the plot I originally predicted for Lichgates goes so much further than I ever thought. Can Heritage come out already, please?